Network Learning Model

7 februari 2017

In het Network Learning Model van Harold Jarche navigeren mensen tussen sociale netwerken, community of practice en team. Tijdens onze verkenning binnen Zuyd naar definiëring van het begrip ‘learning community’ ervaren we eenzelfde indeling waarop kennis ontwikkeld wordt en communities worden ingericht.


“Personal knowledge mastery is the individual discipline that can enable this, while working out loud is how groups stay in touch and learn. It all hinges on individuals taking control of their learning, and organizations giving up control.  It all hinges on individuals taking control of their learning, and organizations giving up control.”

“The triple operating system relates to the network learning model, but looks at how organizations need to open up. Awareness comes from outside the organization, requiring people inside to spend time connecting to diverse social networks. Space needs to be provided to communities where new ideas can be safely tested. These can be inside and/or outside the organizational walls. Finally, work teams must be not only self-governing but temporary, and hierarchy is then negotiated amongst the members. This is self-organization in action and it takes time for people to master, as well as structures and procedures that can ensure its continuance.”


Eerder gepubliceerd op website van initiatiefgroep Community van Communities 23 mei 2016

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